Two years ago at Suwanee Dental Care, we began our Deserving Diva Makeover program where we invite friends, relatives and coworkers of women in need of major cosmetic and rehabilitation dentistry to nominate them for our Dental Charity. Each year we vote on the finalists, interview them and select a number of the nominees as winners of the contest, being named a Suwanee Dental Care Deserving Diva. This year we feature three deserving women after performing major makeovers for four women last year. Each of our doctors has one patient upon which to work his magic....and the results are coming in strong. Dr. Smith and Golik have basically completed their Divas treatment, putting on the finishing touches.
In just three days, I will have my current Diva, Nancy Reeves, in for her major appointment. We will be making 28 crown and bridge units of teeth, porcelain restorations that will dramatically improve her deep bite / overbite and help her permanently align her jaw in a better position to improve her headaches and jaw pain, not to mention enhance her looks. The dental "face lift" will take 15 years of aging from her face as the vertical height of the jaw is improved.
Stay tuned for some dramatic results in her looks. We'll post the photos here. She has been wearing her mandibular orthotic (mouthguard) for six months or more and has proven the new TMJ jaw position we gave her as a result of her diagnosis in the beginning.
Don't forget also that the Diva Party is scheduled for August 27, a Saturday morning. Plan to join us at the Gwinnett Marriott. Go to Deserving Diva Foundation on Facebook also to see other progress photos and articles by our team. The Divas themselves are posting progress reports on our Diva Blog.
Well, Nancy came in for her Diva makeover appointment on Thursday and did spectacularly. She was a real trooper getting through all 28 crown preps and three or four pin buildups. The transitional crowns were gorgeous because they were made from her ideal wax model which she helped design and approved before we began her treatment. She will get the new teeth in about two weeks. It will be a really big day, that day!