Let's be honest...
There are many many other things in the world more fun than a dental visit.
There are many other things less uncomfortable than a dental visit.
So many people are afraid of the dentist due to previous traumatic experiences, stories told by family or friends, or just sitting in the waiting room hearing scrapping or drilling noises.
I am hear to offer all of you a better alternative... sedation dentistry!!!
It is really one of the best options for those of us who might be putting off improving or giving themselves the health and smile they have been wanting for years.
Now what exactly is sedation dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is process by which a dental professional can calm a patient's anxiety and nerves to administer treatment in various forms. Patients are put into a semi-sleep state where they can follow directions if needed, but are completely calm, dozing, or asleep.
There are two types of sedation that are offered at Suwanee Dental Care. One type is oral sedation or pill sedation. This is when a patient is given medication the night before to help them sleep prior to the appointment and then different medication to take before the appointment. Patients are then monitored (taking your blood pressure, etc) while procedures are done while the patient is completely calm dozing and even sleeping. Patients will then need a ride home and tend to relax the rest of the day.
IV sedation is another option. This means that medication is given to the patient not by pills but an IV. This route offers the most relaxing and sleep inducing procedure. Patients are monitored and procedures are done as in oral sedation. Patient need to have the rest of the day to sleep and relax.
Suwanee Dental Care is the place for you and your health.
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